Weird Zigbee Detections w/Halo RL5601s

I have four zigbee Eaton Halo RL5601 overhead lights with variable color temperature which have worked fine for months. Recently they have started acting strangely and are turning on and off by themselves. I removed them from the ZHA integration and have re-added them, but strangely enough, two are showing up as RGB devices without color temp options and the other two are showing up correctly as color temperature changing lights (not RGB). I have gone threw this about 6 times and the issue does move around when I re-add them, never staying on the same light twice. My zigbee coordinator is the EZSP = Silicon Labs EmberZNet protocol: Elelabs, HUSBZB-1.

My 2.4ghz wifi is on channel 11 and my zigbee is also set to channel 11, which is around channel 1 in the WiFi frequency set, so this should not be an issue as I am not using wifi channel 1 anywhere. I have no nearby neighbours either so interference should not be an issue. Also, I am not having any issues with any other zigbee devices, just these four lights. I really think this is looking like a software update bug personally…but hard to tell for sure.

Any ideas as to what to look for would be greatly appreciated.

Perhaps there is a file I can manually edit that tells ZHA that these are color temp lights and not RGB lights?

Start by following this to rule out both interference and lack of routers → Guide for Zigbee interference avoidance and network range/coverage optimization (weird symptoms are usually due to EMF interference from something so before doing anything else start by connecting the Zigbee Coordinator via a very long USB extension cable to get it far way from other devices, and be sure to only connect to to a USB 2.0 port, so connect it via a powered USB 2.0 hub if your computer only have USB 3.x ports. Know that USB 3.x ports and USB 3.x devices will cause serious EMF interference for Zigbee).

If that does not work then also consider upgrading the Zigbee Coordinator firmware to a later version.

The Zigbee Coordinator is on the latest firmware v6.7.8-373 and it is on a twenty foot USB extension plugged into the USB 2.0 port. I also have several routers by Tubeszb in place. Re-adding the lights seems to have fixed the random on/off issues but does not solve the RGB vs Tunable white issue I am seeing. Presently 2 are showing up as RGB lights when none of them are.

Another issue is when using these lights in any automation, while the lights do go on or off, the automation hangs on this and goes no further with an error in the service light.turn_on function. I apparently am not the only one seeing this issue.

Just a bit more info. The lights are connected to two “dumb” switches which are on all the time. Two lights per switch. Inner and Outer, as they are labeled in two groups. One light per group identifies as RGB. I have to pull them out to do this, one by one, but I am thinking of trying to re-add them one at a time. I am thinking there is a bug when multiple lights of the same type are detected. I will try to experiment with this over the weekend.

After downgrading to 2023.7.2 and re-adding the zigbee lights, all were identified correctly as temperature changing lights and not RGB lights and are working rock solid. So all good for now apparently.

@Hedda As a side note, I also reduced my 2.4ghz WiFi TX power from 30dbm to 25dbm. Not sure if this is in anyway significant as my zigbee is on the left side of the 2.4ghz spectrum (zb ch 11) and my wifi is on the right side of it (wifi ch 11).


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