Wemo Insight Switch unavailable


I’ve recently setup Home Assistant running on a Raspberry Pi 3, all was working well with my Hue lights/Sonos and Belkin Wemo Insight switch. Today I updated to version 0.25.2 and since that point by WeMo switch has been undiscoverable, I’ve tried to add the static entry into the configuration.yaml, resetting the Insight switch etc but still not getting any further. This is what I’m seeing in the log:

16-08-12 16:35:12 pywemo.subscribe: Resubscribe error for <WeMo Insight “WeMo Insight lounge 1”>, will retry in 60s
This is logged at each retry attempt.

Didn’t get a response on this one, but saw a similar post not too long after mine which contained a fix that worked for me in case anyone else stumbles across this:

After further use, the only way I was to get it stable again, especially with a WeMo motion sensor is to downgrade to these versions:

pip install requests==2.10.0
pip install pywemo==0.4.3
pip install homeassistant==0.24.1

Interesting! I’ll keep an eye on my system over the next few days, it’s been ok with the WeMo since downgrading requests to 2.10.0

Fixed in 26.2