What are you using for the new counter and input text components?


I am thinking for use case scenarios where would it make sense to use the new (in 0.53.) counter and input text components.

Could you share for what are you using these components?

Thank you!

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Hi, I am not using input text, but am just in the middle of a counter configuration. The use case is as follows:

Our little boy needs medication 4 times a day at a very specific tme of the day (6. 12, 16, 22). He cannot go to creshe and so we have a nanny as both me and my wife work…

I have installed a simply open/close sensor on the meds cabinet. The cabinet should open within half an our each side of those times. If it does, then this triggers the counter. Every midnight the counter resets…

Therfore,(although not perfect) it does give us peace of mind that he is getting the meds at the right time of the day. We also know about exceptions if he and the nanny are not at home as these can be treated as exceptions and chased up on/checked with the nanny, but more often than not, they should be at home and the cuboard should open during that time frame.

If the cupboard does not open, I send a TTS to the chromecast to remind the nanny…

I am just busy with the config code but will share as soon as I am done…


Getting a little stuck if you have any ideas?

Hi, just to update… all issues resolved, solution up and running and working as expected… details and code here:

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