What if you could start over?

Hello, I am a Home Assistant noob - migrating from Fibaro HomeCenter 2.

Turning my back on Fibaro after quite some years because HC2 doesn’t keep evolving and HC3 is practically a joke with advertised features not being activated even after two years and no migration.

I operate mainly Z-Wave devices accompanied by a few Zigbee / Hue lamps. Running HA on a VM located at my Synology NAS.

While I managed to get the Aeotec Gen5 and a Sonoff 3.0 up and running with some devices for testing I am still hesetating to start the migration as my understanding of HA is still kind of limited when it comes to structural decisions.

To give an example I just stumbled by accident upon the fact that using zwave associations will require using a different setup for zwave.

Long story short: I am starting with a blank sheet and would love your input on what (structual design choices) would you do differently if you would start over?

Anything you regret, but are too lazy to change because it would need too much effort?


You might want to start here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/starting-fresh-show-me-what-you-wish-youd-known-when-you-started/365072