What is the Zigbee radio type for Zigbee wired MOES smart gateway?

I have this MOES ethernet Zigbee hub connected to the router.

What Zigbee radio type must I select in the Zigbee Home Automation integration?

None, you can’t use this gateway with ZHA or Zigbee2MQTT. Buy a Zigbee dongle instead.
Or you can try the Lidl gateway hack

Would this item be valid for this purpose?

It will work, but it is a really bad coordinator. Better look for a Sonoff Dongle P or E


  1. What does bad coordinator mean? that it fails a lot? that it lacks lots of functionalities?
  2. Will a Sonoff Dongle P or E work with Tuya/MOES Zigbee devices?

It has very poor reception,

Yes, it will

Something like this then, right? https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806679071444.html

Yes, indeed

Thanks a lot!