Yes - good find! I tend to have search issues, since I tend to pick terms that narrow a search as much as possible. Old habit I can’t stop and it often means I don’t get hits others find easily.
I missed the “Edit” link - I think I’ve been so focused on just finding answers that I tuned out what didn’t lead me to more info.
That’s an excellent point! I’ve been using open source since the '90s and have been contributing, in some small forms, one or two projects of my own that have been outdated, for almost as long. Often, as a newbie in a project, suggestions are ignored or glossed over. Often there’s a, “Wait until you know what’s going on and it’ll all make sense,” attitude (or a, “No, we’re doing it this way because it’s right and others are wrong!” attitude - less frequent, but I’ve run into it).
As a beginner on with a project, it can be hard to contribute to docs. There’s a feeling of, “But if I write this, what if I’m overlooking or missing something important?” But this discussion is proof people here are open to bringing up questions like, “This seems more complete. Is there anything inaccurate in it?” on this forum.
I think writing up something for the Template components would be helpful. At this point, I can do that for the Numbers one. I don’t know if the Text or Select would work the same. I also wish I could find the page discussing Number Components (or Template Number) that mis-stated what the state field does. It wasn’t on the main pages for those components, but I did read something about it that was confusing.
I take it if I started threads with something like, “Possible issue in the documentation, suggested change for ” would make sure I get feedback before posting misinformation.
I did make one post about an issue with what seemed buggy behavior - included something like “Possible Bugs” in the title, but never had responses on it. If it’s not bugs, that would also provide me information for adding something to the docs.
Very astute of you. I have used C++ in the past, but that was over 15 years ago. I loved it, since it was “closer to than metal” than most languages. (I used to do a lot in Assembler, back when Apples ran on 6502 chips!) There’s a part of me that would really love the excuse to dive back in, since I’ve forgotten so much! (The hardest part, for me, was learning how to use all the options for compiling and linking - the programming was fairly easy, the “meta-programming” was hard for me to keep straight.)
If I did it on a Pi, I’d use Python for development speed. I keep forgetting about MQTT, for some reason. I have devices that use it and, at one point, I had read up on it, but I just keep forgetting that’s an option!
One advantage to an ESP32 is no OS on board - so nothing running updates in the background or daemons you forgot about getting in the way of an embedded system. I’m hoping to get used to using ESPHome and Pis for some projects I’d like to do for home automation and just a few simple gadgets.
That would make sense. Still, it’s hard to do much without lambdas and that means that to do much on it, one needs a smattering of C++. I think lambdas are basically filling in the gap for functions and services YAML doesn’t supply.
I would freaking love to! I would really love to add something that makes it easy to reference and use variables and substitutions, and getting the values of Components, without having to use lambdas. But it’s been so long since I used C++, and right now I have to get a business up and running, so the time is an issue. (I’d certainly be willing to get into discussions and get back up to speed on C++ over time.)
I think that’s why some things don’t get fixed, and it goes back to @nickrout’s comments about the perspective of a newbie being useful. This is common in open source projects: Those heavily involved know it all and find it easy to navigate, but those who are new are confused - and the highly experienced devs are so used to what they can use easily, it’s easy to forget how hard it is to come in to it fresh.
Somewhere along the line, I told myself, “Okay, YAML is more like a config language, but it’s really a limited form of OOP.” That helped me a lot. Here, it’s confusing since some fields are YAML and don’t even need quotes around them to use them, and others are C++ and need quotes or even the “double quotes inside single quotes” thing for string values. It’s tough to know which is which without experience.
I haven’t been there yet. I’ll have to keep that in mind. I often do better using non-realtime forums because it takes me time to think through a post.
I have a love/hate relationship with HA, but I like it better than OpenHAB, where I found the forum frustrating because of negative responses to me when I needed help with clarifications of how things were said and just what they meant.