What should be the first node to start my flow in order to always trigger my logic?

I’m not using a template at all. It’s a sensor that was created as part of the ZHA integration. What type of switch are you using and how is is connected to HA?

It is a smartthings wifi plug connected through smarthings intergration
Samsung GP-WOU019BBAWU

Ahhhh, that’s probably it. I’ve seen a lot of posts where people are having issues with the ST integration not reporting power properly and seeing only whole numbers for power reporting (instead of 0.2w, ST will just send over 1w).

If you have the hardware to do it (an external Zigbee stick attached to HA), I’d move the plug over to HA directly. Works 100% better than the ST integration does (imho).

I don’t have a Zigbee stick but that might be the better option at this point. Although the entity does have attributes if I knew how to make them into a sensor I could use your state node and wait until node.

the state attributes it has are:

current_power_w: 6
today_energy_kwh: 0.4
friendly_name: Washing Machine

I was able to create a sensor template out of the switch power attribute.

` washing_machine_power:
friendly_name: Washer Power
value_template: “{{states.switch.washing_machine.attributes.current_power_w }}”

Now I am trying to use your flow to trigger the notification. I’ve set it up the exact same way you have but the WAIT UNTIL node isn’t firing. And the Washing Machine Power is only outputting from the FALSE state of the node. But regardless, the notification doesn’t work from TRUE or FALSE for me. Any thoughts on why this would be?