What should I do if I accidentially unplugged the boot drive?

So, I had HAOS installed on a USB Flash Drive (32GB) and it was working fine. However, I ran out of space so I did a data transfer to a 128GB drive. After this happened, I thought that it would work fine without the 32 GB, but I completely forgot to unplug the 32GB drive. After this, I eventually realized I didn’t need the 32 GB anymore, and so I unplugged it while the system was running (yes, I know that was kind of stupid.) after that, though, my Pi started spewing SquashFS Errors. Then, it crashed and shutdown. After it rebooted, it just hangs on Waiting for the Home Assistant CLI to be ready... screen, and does nothing.

Fresh install than restore from backup.

what if i’ve never made a backup?

update: do the like auto-backups from updates work as updates?

I would give it time after a reboot to see if it maybe is busy trying to repair the filesystem. Then pray to whatever you hold dear. If it works, backup, buy a ssd, buy a ssd as USB flash will fail on you anyways sooner then later, do a fresh install and restore the backup.

If the above does not work, buy a ssd if you haven’t already. Do a fresh install. Install the samba addon.

Put the usb in another computer and try if you can recover the config folder (may also be called homeassistant). If that works, stop HA, copy the entire config folder via samba over your new setup. Reboot and pray again.

If that does not work, do a fresh install, start over, and slap yourself on the head for not backupping.

Then… backup. Preferrably to an external disk you configured through network settings, Google Drive backup or other means to make sure the backup is on a different system.

I’ve tried using an SSD but Squash FS whined about the 147 or so sectors that failed on the SSD i was using… could I just boot into linux and then make a new install, start it, and then just dragndrop all the files from dead install to new install?

Update: Windows says there’s an error with Hassos-boot ig, should I try the dumb little recovery thing windows has?

If you have a full copy of the config folder, replacing that should work (while HA is not running).

The update backups only update the software you replace afaik so you can rollback the version. I do not think they backup the config. But maybe the bigger version updates do. It never hurts to try. You can use an unzip tool to unpack them and look for the config folder. If it isn’t there you are out of luck.

I’ve given up trying to recover it, and just made a new install. Thanks for the help though.

Think about using backups and disaster recovery planning.