What to buy for easy integration of smart siwtches in bedroom


As far as I know, itead changed the firmware of the sonoffs basic in a way that it’s no possible anymore to flash tasmota by OTA. The project was called SonOTA. But, it seems that the Itead MAY had changed their mind as state here. I got a few sonoffs that I was able to use SonOTA (long time ago) and a bunch that i dont.

Tuya is a different story (and maker!). So, it’s no possible to use Tuya-convert to flash sonoffs,only tuya compatible stuff.

edit: Itead didnt changed their mind… you may check if the firwmware accepts OTA here

You cannot use tuya convert on a sonoff AFAIK, because it doesn’t have tuya firmware in the first place.

I use a simple logic to determine when we’ve gone to bed.

We have 2x bedside lamps controlled with trådfri dimmers. If these are turned off between a certain time frame then it triggers the bed time routine.

You could do something similar. When the lights are switched off then an input Boolean is switched on or off. And while this is in this state the motion automation is disabled. Then have an automation reset the input Boolean in the morning.

without Tasmota or ESPHome, how do we integrate sonoffs basic into HA?

By flashing them with tasmota or esphome or espurna etc. You just may not be able to do it over the air (OTA).

afraid of soldering :sweat_smile:

BTW, the sonoff basic v3 and the sonoff mini don’t need soldering anymore. They are flashable OTA after placing a jumper and using software provided by Sonoff.

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You dont need to. I usually do mine by just touch/holding the pins while flashing. It may require a few tries but it’s doable. Or as another user suggested, he use playdoh to hold the pins :-).

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Thanks all! Do you have any layman guide for flashing sonoff basic?

Use hass.io, there’s an addon ESPHome. Together with an FDTI and a few jumper cables, that’s all you need! :slight_smile:

You don’t need hassio to use esphome.

Yes, but it’s the easiest way to use it. Without hass.io it’s command line without a gui, you need to install it (ok one line, but…). For one, not familiar with cli, I’d suggest the hass.io route. :slight_smile:

nonsense. The gui is present no matter how you install it.

So what is the easiest way, in your oppinion?

Sorry guys I am confused. I am running HA in container. But my question if there is a guide on how to flash sonoff basic :sweat_smile: Thanks!

Running the docker setup described here https://esphome.io/guides/getting_started_command_line.html

docker run --rm --net=host -v "${PWD}":/config -it esphome/esphome

Yup, running non-hassio HA in docker and that works great for me.

I don’t know if there is a guide but there are a couple of 'standard" ways to do it.

if you use ESPHome then write your ESPHome code and then compile it (in the dashboard under the three dot menu on the right side of the entry for your code). then after it’s compiled in that same box select “download binary” and save it somewhere convenient. see below…

If you use Tasmota then just download the latest pre-compiled sonoff.bin file from the tasmota site and save it somewhere convenient. see the next section…

Either way you go above (tasmota or ESPHome) download and run Nodemcu-pyflasher. Select the desired compiled firmware binary file from above. While holding down the tall button on the Sonoff plug in your FTD adapter to your PC and connect the other end to the appropriate pins on the Sonoff. Then in Nodemcu-pyflasher select the correct com port. Select DOUT for flash mode, 115200 for the baud rate & select yes to erase the flash memory.

Then select the “flash NodeMCU” button and hopefully you will see a progress bar and it will tell you when it’s done.

reboot your Sonoff.

If you used Tasmota you’ll have to do additional set up that can be found at the tasmota site.

I don’t think I forgot anything important… :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the guide! I will research base on this.