What to look for?

# Floorlight on at Sunset*******************************************************
- id: Floorlight on at Sunset
  alias: Floorlight on at Sunset
    - platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sun.sun
      value_template: "{{ state.attributes.elevation }}"
      below: 5
      above: 2
    - condition: time
      after: '14:00:00'
      before: '22:00:00'
    - service: switch.turn_on
      entity_id: switch.sonoff_10001bb5c7

If I’m honest I’m at a bit of a loss here.

What’s concerning me is that the logo for some of your automations is wrong, which would suggest that homeassistant isn’t reading them as automations. Couple that with the fact that the turning off of one of the incorrectly logo’d automations appears to be the beginning of the problem you’re facing and it seems to make sense that something isn’t quite right, but a quick scan of your pastes doesn’t show anything obvious.

It’s a bit of a mystery to me at the moment :man_shrugging:

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Can you explain that, in order to understand what you mean please?

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Yeah, if you look at all your other automations in the logbook they have a robot logo to indicate that they are automations, but that particular one has a homeassistant logo next to it, I’ve never seen that before :man_shrugging:

ah, it is custom icons. I have changed some of the through the lovelace card.
Now I am thinking to add the mdi icon in the automation yaml for each of my automations to look all the same.

Typically, when more clues become available, it becomes easier to find the root cause of a problem. In this case, more clues only deepen the mystery. :slight_smile:


I am having the same issue since the latest update. My Logbook entries all show my automations being turned off - according to the Configuration/Automations they are still on. I did not restart the application.

that’s good news (I am kidding)
At least I am not the only one…

My production system is running Home Assistant Supervised 0.116.3 (on Ubuntu) and, after checking the Logbook, I have not found any evidence of this behavior. The people who are experiencing the problem should compare notes and see what their systems have in common.

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same as yours
Home Assistant Supervised 0.116.3 (on Ubuntu)

Give that we both run the same version but I don’t have the problem, there’s something else (beyond version) that is responsible for the undesired behavior. Possibly an integration? :man_shrugging:

The other way to investigate this is to determine when you first noticed the behavior and what (if anything) did you change in your configuration just prior to that time?

Or has this behavior been evident from the moment you upgraded to 0.116.3?

I really don’t know. The last few days I am working from home, so I have more time to add features to HA.
From last friday I have added spotify, shelly some scripts and some automations.

In my configuration I have added

  client_id: xxxx
  client_secret: xxxx
# for spotify chromecast  
  sp_dc: xxxx
  sp_key: xxxx


  • Make a snapshot before you make significant modifications. Snapshots are time-stamped and serve as a record of when you altered the system’s configuration. If you adopt that habit, it makes it easier to investigate when something started to misbehave. The snapshot itself allows you to rollback the system to just before the undesired behavior started.

  • If you add integrations in configuration.yaml (or anything else in YAML mode) consider adding a comment with a timestamp, something like ## MODIFIED: 2020-10-19 20:35 Added rest_command. Then you can use a text editor to search for ## MODIFIED to see what you did and when you did it.

All of this helps to answer the question: “This crap has been happening since last Wednesday. Did I change anything back then?”

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