What would it require to get the HASSIO add-on store in a normal HA installation?

Ok, sorry to bring up this old thread, but figured someone could help me out.

I tried running the installer script at the top of this post and it went ahead and created the 5 or docker images.


How do I remove them? Yes, I tried to stop them, but they restart. I tried to kill them, they restarted. What is causing these things to restart? I’ve tried killing them in portainer… nothing seems to keep these things down. I can’t stop them and delete the image fast enough. I tried setting "docker update --restart=no " and they still restart.

Is systemd or something else causing them to restart automatically?

Ok, read through the script - saw what it was doing. Reporting in, in case someone else runs across this.

I disabled these services, then I was able to stop/destroy/remove the containers and images.

systemctl disable hassio-apparmor.service
systemctl disable hassio-supervisor.service