One more twist. I have some sensors broadcasting on 433MHz and some on 915 MHz. Is there a way to use one SDR radio and switch the listening frequencies on a timer. I realize I may miss some data, but Iâm looking for Temp, Humidity, Wind speed and direction and those values donât change fast enough to worry about. And I may even be able to pick up my Gas or Water meter on that higher frequency.
If you are using rtl_433, there is a function you can enable to jump back and forth between multiple frequencies at whatever interval you want. I was doing it for a while to get some 319mhz alarm sensors to work along with the rest of my 433mhz stuff.
It doesnât look like rtl_433 supports hopping on the millisecond level. How are you able to get away with it if you hop between two frequencies on alarm sensors? I have some contact sensors that transmit 5 packets on each state change, I migth be able to set the hopping to 1 second but I might be cutting it short.