What's the trick with National Weather Service (NWS) forecast?

i installed National Weather Service (NWS) from Integration.
when I add the forecast card, this is what I see:

type: weather-forecast
entity: weather.kphl_daynight

pretty useless. how to change it to days such as today, friday, saturday, sunday?

This is what I have.

type: weather-forecast
entity: weather.kpwt_daynight
show_forecast: true
name: National Weather Service


thanks for the code. i just tried and still not getting the day. i only see the hours as seen here:

You could try the Weather Card custom card.

  - current: true
    details: true
    entity: weather.ksat_daynight
    forecast: true
    hourly_forecast: false
    number_of_forecasts: '5'
    type: 'custom:weather-card'


It’s an animated icon in the top left and the card is available on HACS.

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What version of home assistant are you using? The weather card was only recently updated to show the day name rather than the time in this case.

Well, I looked at that card…and…I like it.

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i just updated HA n it works great as you showed me.
im always scared of updating cause something might break. lol

That looks great! I’m not having much luck finding detailed installation instructions. I did find a couple of links, but it appears things have changed over the years and I’m not sure which instructions still apply. Any suggestions?

iirc, I added the repository to HACS and installed it that way. I also chose the self-hosted option for the js module.

Wow, what a struggle! The documentation for the animated custom weather card is pretty hard to follow for a beginner, and parts of it are obsolete. Since I had made notes of all the things I tried anyway, I decided to share what I’d learned. Maybe someone else who’s not an HA guru will want to take the same path someday. Instead of clogging up this thread, I started a new one in the Share Your Projects category:

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