Whatsapp notification support

Could someone take a look at this https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup/blob/master/README.md and see if they can factor in Whatsapp notification support?

If you use tasker, it can be done perfectly…

To implement WA support is very simple. BUT to create the necessary new WA account that can be used not. You need a phone number that is not associated with any WA account.

can you make a component to send the notification to WhatsApp?

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Have a look here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/run-scripts-in-home-assistant-based-on-incoming-normal-or-whatsapp-call/37131

There is a simple API to send WhatsApp messages as HA notifications:
Have a look to this post:

EDIT: Link updated

This API allows sending notifications to whatsapp groups: