Where broadlink remote commands are stored?

Ah! Thanks so much. Easy when you know but I’m finding all this a steep learning curve a the moment.
So many bits of technology to learn and my ‘Unix’ knowledge went rusty sometime around 1998 !

Ok, I’ve figured out how to make edits to the broadlink_remote_*_codes file sort of by accident. I haven’t yet figured out if all of the steps are required, but it does work to the point of adding a new code via call service adds it to the right device segment/node in the codes file.

It’s roughly this order:

  1. back up your existing broadlink_remote_*_codes file (JIC)
  2. disable delete the integration for that broadlink device (my codes file was untouched after this process)
  3. make your changes to the codes file
  4. restart core/supervisor (this is the part that may or may not be necessary?)
  5. re-enable re-add the integration
  6. continue to add other codes & notice your file isn’t overwritten after a change

I had to do this because I had forgot to change device & I was adding codes to the wrong device. I re-org’d my file & tried adding another code & watched my changes disappear in Notepad++. I did the process above & now my file is right & again, I added 2 more codes to another device & the codes ended up in the right spot.

Also, step 4 or 5 might have to be flipped. I’ve slept since I’ve last done this.


Thank you so much. very helpful.

I wanted to edit the codes, but feared that I may loose some configuration values if I delete the integration (I have 2 broadlink devices and wanted to copy codes from one to the other). I followed the steps described by LAYGO, but instead of deleting the integration in step 2, I just disabled it. That worked just fine too !

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Good to hear!

I have 2 Broadlink devices too, so deleting the integration did NOT effect either files, but good to know that disabling works.

Is there anyway to just get a list of the commands within HA? I’ve forgot a few commands and just need to refresh my memory.

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I confirm. Thats how you edit the file.