Where is homeassistant hiding?

venv does nothing to prevent that.

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I am afraid you are going to have to get some strong coffee and force your way through this. You need to get some basic knowledge, and you are not likely to get that through just copying other people’s work.


Thank you very much for the additional support. There are a lot more items installed here than I saw on any of the other installation guides on this website. I am try to learn and understand each of them.

I got to the following line:
Login via ssh using [user]
and now realize that I did not understand what [user] means.
Access is denied when I put my user name, something else must be required, but I am not sure what.

By the way, I discovered why I could not open web interface. Turns out an ethernet cable went bad somewhere between the downloads and the attempt to open the interface, I discovered it when I could no longer find the OPI on the router.

Just the username and password you typed in after the very first instruction. :confused:

You would have logged in with that username and password before doing…

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

What I missed was the correct USER@HOST for the SSH.

Going forward again

I got to:
pip3 install homeassistant
Where the problems began

Running setup.py bdist_wheel for cryptography … error
Complete output from command /srv/homeassistant/bin/python3.6 -u -c “import setuptools, tokenize;file=’/tmp/pip-build-u5dpec13/cryptography/setup.py’;f=getattr(tokenize, ‘open’, open)(file);code=f.read().replace(’\r\n’, ‘\n’);f.close();exec(compile(code, file, ‘exec’))” bdist_wheel -d /tmp/tmpzluyunwopip-wheel- --python-tag cp36:
c/_cffi_backend.c:2:10: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory #include <Python.h>
compilation terminated.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/distutils/unixccompiler.py”, line 118, in _compile
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/distutils/ccompiler.py”, line 909, in spawn
spawn(cmd, dry_run=self.dry_run)
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/distutils/spawn.py”, line 36, in spawn
_spawn_posix(cmd, search_path, dry_run=dry_run)
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/distutils/spawn.py”, line 159, in _spawn_posix
% (cmd, exit_status))
distutils.errors.DistutilsExecError: command ‘arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc’ failed with exit status 1

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
SystemExit: error: command ‘arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc’ failed with exit status 1

This appears to take place for all of the other modules and the following was displayed at the end

Command “/srv/homeassistant/bin/python3.6 -u -c “import setuptools, tokenize;file=’/tmp/pip-build-u5dpec13/cffi/setup.py’;f=getattr(tokenize, ‘open’, open)(file);code=f.read().replace(’\r\n’, ‘\n’);f.close();exec(compile(code, file, ‘exec’))” install --record /tmp/pip-uctbwyoj-record/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --compile --install-headers /srv/homeassistant/include/site/python3.6/cffi” failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-u5dpec13/cffi/

googling this and other instances turned up many very similar errors. Solutions proposed involved loading several libraries. I chose this command since it appeared to contain all the recommended libraries.

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev

However, the same errors occured.

I have no other ideas at this time.

So much fun.

python3.6 -m venv .
source bin/activate
pip3 install homeassistant

Confirm that you did the two lines above, and before running the pip3 line your prompt was

(homeassistant) homeassistant@host:


This was from the log file plus some of my comments. I was going to attach a highlighted rtf file but it was not allowed,
klrockorangepizero:~$ sudo useradd -rm homeassistant
[sudo] password for klrock$:
klrockorangepizero:~$ sudo usermod -aG dialout homeassistant
klrockorangepizero:~$ cd /srv
klrockorangepizero:/srv$ sudo mkdir homeassistant
klrockorangepizero:/srv$ sudo chown homeassistant:homeassistant homeassistant
klrockorangepizero:/srv$ cd /srv
/bin/bash homeassistant
homeassistant@orangepizero:/srv$ cd /srv/homeassistant
homeassistant@orangepizero:/srv/homeassistant$ python3.6 -m venv .
The virtual environment was not created successfully because ensurepip is not
available. On Debian/Ubuntu systems, you need to install the python3-venv
package using the following command.

homeassistant@orangepizero:/$ cd /srv
homeassistant@orangepizero:/srv$ cd …
homeassistant@orangepizero:/$ su
root@orangepizero:/# sudo apt-get install python3-venv
You may need to use sudo with that command. After installing the python3-venv
package, recreate your virtual environment.
Failing command: [’/srv/homeassistant/bin/python3.6’, ‘-Im’, ‘ensurepip’, ‘–upgrade’, ‘–default-pip’]
homeassistant@orangepizero:/srv/homeassistant$ apt-get install python3-venv
E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?
homeassistant@orangepizero:/srv/homeassistant$ sudo apt-get install python3-venv[sudo] password for homeassistant:
At this point I was tired and went bed,
This morning I restarted trying to install venv
klrock@orangepizero:~$ cd /srv
klrock@orangepizero:/srv$ sudo chown homeassistant:homeassistant homeassistant
[sudo] password for klrock:
klrock@orangepizero:/srv$ sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
homeassistant@orangepizero:/srv$ cd /srv/homeassistant
klrock@orangepizero:~$ cd /srv
klrock@orangepizero:/srv$ sudo chown homeassistant:homeassistant homeassistant
[sudo] password for klrock:
klrock@orangepizero:/srv$ sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
homeassistant@orangepizero:/srv$ cd /srv/homeassistant
homeassistant@orangepizero:/srv/homeassistant$ python3.6 -m venv .
homeassistant@orangepizero:/srv/homeassistant$ source bin/activate
(homeassistant) homeassistant@orangepizero:/srv/homeassistant$ pip3 install homeassistant.

OK, try this, starting from logging in as klrock…

sudo apt-get install python3-dev
sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant 
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate 
pip3 install wheel
pip3 install homeassistant 

Also, how reliable is your Internet connection out of interest?

Internet speed test



Megabits per second

Testing upload…


Mbps download


Mbps upload

Latency: 27 ms

Server: Dallas, TX

Your Internet speed is very fast

Your Internet connection should be able to handle multiple devices streaming HD videos, video conferencing, and gaming at the same time.

Sucess although it prefferred
sudo apt install python3-dev

Iam now starting HASS

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With your latest revision, do you think I would not needed to install those addition items?

Home Assistant installation was successful. I logged into the web interface and am ready to start configuring.

You Sir are a gentleman of high standing. Your patience with a noob is awesome. I am not a Linux expert, but I do believe that this experience has contributed to my understanding. I only hope that I can be as helpful to others.

All the best,
Kerry Rock

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Hard to say off the top of my head tbh.

Glad you’re up and running :+1:

I finally got back to this install to set up auto starting and got an error on this command.

klrock@orangepizero:~$ sudo systemctl enable [email protected]
Failed to enable unit: Invalid argument

I wondered why there was a “-” between home and assistant, so I removed it and got this:

klrock@orangepizero:~$ sudo systemctl enable [email protected]
Failed to enable unit: Unit file [email protected] does not exist.


Did you create the file as the documentation says?

As @flamingm0e says it looks like you haven’t created the file, instructions are in my post prior to the lines you’ve just entered.

I did create it. Did not show because it seemed to work correctly

Please don’t post photos when you can copy and paste code.

There is an x at the end of your final line. It doesn’t seem to be there in the example.

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