Where is the Wear-OS App?

It is said that the Wear OS app should appear when the Android app “Home Assistant” has been installed on the mobile phone.
However, I can’t find the Wear OS app on my Galaxy Watch 4. Does anyone have any advice for me?

I think you have to be on the app beta to get the Wear OS app at the moment, proper release soon…hopefully.

I can confirm that if you join the Beta channel for the main phone app you can then see the HA app on your watch in the play store… however for some reason there is no install button showing. Seems like a bug.

Thank you, that’s the Solution. I must look in the Playstore on the watch!
I had marked the Beta Programm…

Hi Guys

Quick question what is the current state of the wear os app as I have it installed on my fossil 5e watch. When I went through the setup process and the entities etc started to sync with my watch the app closed down. Now every time I open it it closes straight away. I then tried to force is closed and wipe the apps data but then the same process starts over again.

Any ideas would be great thanks

Update to the latest version pushed last night and try again

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