Which wallbox from German KfW list?


can I ask you what you mean by controlling the go echarger? can adjust the charging current of it dynamically like a slave mode? also do you know if at least the display interface can be set in English?

Thanks a lot for such info!

Yes the openwb puts the go echarger in slave mode and controls it dynamically.
So same PV charging as openwb itself is possible.

Unfortunately a translation was not planned last year:

thank you @ds1707 I wrote to them and they don’t have close plan for international - it’s a shame it would have been exactly what I was looking for

do you know if the go-eCharger HOMEfix support phase switching? /edit checked the manual and phase switching is not supported :frowning:

go e does not support phase switching.

yes saw - your setup would be ideal to me as I need phase shifting in my garage but in my garden I’d be fine with a single phase go-e

hey @ds1707 are you aware of any other Wallbox supporting phase shifting?

You could check the zappi.

yes I know the zappi does it - but it’s not available at the moment (for some reasons the lead time is ‘months’).

Thanks anyway for advising

Easee or sma are the other two options. Maybe zappi is suffering from brexit.

none are comparable to openwb - can’t end up with a decision.

Probably it make sense to start with a go e since I don’t really need 3 phase for PV charging - once openwb will be available outside of DACH I can move the go e outside in my garden and use it as a slave like you are doing

the problem is that with single phase it ‘only’ charge @3.7kw

hey @ds1707

got a go-e as the 22kw version can charge at 32A single phase. Works so well with EVCC just amazing. I have ordered now a 32a 2 phase relay that I’ll try to use to activate 1/3 phase depending on needs. Most of the case I’m doing PV charging and 7.4Kw is more than enough.

Thanks again for your help

Anyone here using the WARP charger from Tinkerforge? I’m planning to buy their WARP Smart version and was hoping for some feedback regarding integration the WB into HA using MQTT and/or HTTP-API.

Just received my go-e 22kW and I am really amazed of all the features and the openness of this wallbox. It can be accessed locally through its REST API, through MQTT and remotely through the cloud. It exposes a large set of details and is fully controllable through HA. The app is also nice and easy to use. And the price is perfect.

Ordered my Go eCharger yesterday, will arrive in a week or so.
I picked it partially due to MQTT out of box, 1/3 phase switching on the fly (latest v3 hardware, API V2, causes car disconnect/reconnect so switching happens when no load), HTTP API etc.

One thing, as for controlling charge current, I am not sure 1/3 phase switching is needed if you have home automation.

Electricity is paid for here net per hour. So I could look every 5 minutes how much surplus I have for the last 60 minutes, and then regulate charging power for the next 5 minutes to use that. Regulating all the time to compensate for clouds etc is bad. Need to be average surplus that I need to spend within the hour. On top of that, consider that you might go from say 70-80% efficiency at 6A, 1Phase to 95-98% at 11kW.
So I guess it would be better to calculate backwards, and start charging as late within the hour as possible, to get a shorter charge at a higher rate. Periodic charging is a valid strategy to keep average down.

Need to find a way to do intelligent planning. I have access to electricity prices, every day at 13:00 I get prices for the next calendar day on hourly basis. My solar production (and if I am home) will have to be guesstimated from weather forecast. I pay €0.02/kWh to sell it on the network, and use it later. So might be better to charge during the night if strong wind. And in winter season, fixed tarifs are much higher from 17:00-21:00 when people cook.

When I upgrade to full EV (later this year), my planning should take into account daily consumption, and weekly price trends. I think electricity i usually cheaper during the weekend, so I might want to run battery down to say 30% on friday evening and get cheap charging to 80-100% during the weekend. Currently I charge 50kWh over the week on my PHEV. About 8kWh/day. So I assume full EV could do with 1 charge per week.

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Hi, does your binary sensor now working?

Are you using awattar as your electricity provider?

Which version do you use in detail? Is the one on the KfW list?

I got a go-eCharger HOME+ 22 kW.
Not sure, which version is on the KfW list - I am living in France. According to the go-e website only the HOMEfix 11 kW seems to be sponsored.

But the smart home integration features are the same through all the go-eCharger models.

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Hi all,

I am also planning the installation of a Wallbox and want to integrate it into HomeAssistant (probably, also using EVCC).

Currently, these are my favored Wallboxes:

  • go-eCharge
  • easee
  • Heidelberg HomeEco
  • Zappi
    The solution would be, to charge the car mostly throught Solar Power when possible - and if not charging should be done with a provider like aWattar or Tibber.

go-eCharge and easee Wallbox do have their own HomeAssistant integration - so probably, for just managing them it would not be required to use EVCC

But could also be used and managed throught EVCC.

Tibber is partner with easee (the wallbox would be a bit cheaper if you are a tibber customer)
aWattar is partner with go-eCharge

Heidelberg HomeEco is supported by EVCC but no parter of any of the Energy Providers.

Zappi isn’t supported by EVCC and no parter of the given Providers - but it seems that it can be highly customized with additional components.
I’ve also found some guides how to integrate Zappi into HomeAssistant.

All of the mentioned Wallboxes - except of Zappi are listed in the top 4 places in the test from:

Heidelberg HomeEco (with a shorter cable) will also be found on position 10 in this test

  • but Heidelberg HomeEco is the top1 in the Test from ADAC (Test 2019) 

None of the Wallboxes have been tested in the latest test from ADAC this year.

I really have troubles in finding the right Wallbox 
 it seems, that only zappi would require some more effort, since it is currently not supported by EVCC.

So my top Ranking:

  1. easee Wallbox
    Pro: HA Integration
    Pro: EVCC Supported
    Pro: Rank 2 in Test ▶WALLBOX-TEST 2021 ⇒ Die besten E-Auto Ladestationen im Test
    Pro: Style

  2. go-eCharge
    Pro: HA Integration
    Pro: EVCC Supported
    Pro: Rank 3 in Test ▶WALLBOX-TEST 2021 ⇒ Die besten E-Auto Ladestationen im Test
    Con: Style

  3. Heidelberg HomeEco
    Pro: EVCC Supported
    Pro: Rank 4 and 10 in Test ▶WALLBOX-TEST 2021 ⇒ Die besten E-Auto Ladestationen im Test
    Pro: Style
    Neutral: HA Integration missing

  4. zappi
    Pro: Rank 1 in Test ▶WALLBOX-TEST 2021 ⇒ Die besten E-Auto Ladestationen im Test
    Con: Not EVCC Supported
    Con: HA Integration missing, but manually possible (complexity?)
    Neutral: Style

I can strongly recommend the openwb. In opinion this the the best and most open wall box in the market! I think this supports all your needs.

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