Whitelist IP

Comment out login_attempts_threshold from the http section (or remove it entirely) to not get banned anymore.
It will remove the threshold for anyone but it’s better then to get yourselve banned every time and needing to remove the ip ban from the YAML file and restart HA. (the restarting of HA for the ban to be removed is fine for me, atleast you know that if an ip get’s banned the banned IP can’t be removed. moving the YAML ban file to the backend of HA would pose some security risks).

I would also like that IP’s from the trusted networks section would also prevent banning those ip’s. That would be better and is also assumed by the name (trusted networks, Why would someone ban a trusted network?)

  server_port: 8123
  login_attempts_threshold: 10

Yes exactly why am i getting banned ips from my internal network that is also listed as a trusted network?

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