Yes, it’s an old request, but with the new helpers and stuff it’s relevant again.
I have for example a Template binary sensor that shows me whether the sun is within the specified corridor or not. True/False is enough for the logic, so it works, but since there is this thing called ‘Device class’, there should be a ‘Yes/No’ class if you ask me.
Now it shows on/off and there is no class that essentially returns/shows Yes/No or even True/False in the GUI/dashboard.
Yes/No or True/False, both are fine for my use case, but there currently is no option for as far as I know.
Hmm, I scrolled through all posts but didn’t see it. Thanks.
Since I cannot respond to @tom_l, I’ll update this post. I scrolled through the post mainly to vote. Then, since I didn’t notice this “request”, I decided to add it.
I should have used the search to validate, which I didn’t. Thanks for pointing that out.