Why are IP cameras so slow in frontend?!

Argh, okay now I just realized why I stopped doing things this way… On my fire tablets and iOS, the cameras don’t really show up properly… They will show a few frames, then disappear and then come back… Damnit… I think I went through this before and settled on the stream component because they would at least display that way… What a bummer. Well I guess it was worth a try to see if that had gotten fixed.

Stream: is needed for casting cameras :frowning:

For my case it would be very useful if I could have the stream component only apply to certain cameras in my config while having others not use it (to get rid of the delay). If you feel the same way, please vote for my feature request here

The stream component is really one of the parts in HA that has always been very problematic for me, due to the way it works. It converts the RTSP stream into HLS on the fly. Because it needs to support low power embedded systems, it can’t transcode the stream. So it has to cut at I-Frame boundaries. It will always buffer 3 HLS segments, this is hardcoded. If you set the camera to encode an I-Frame every second, you will get a minimum delay of 3 seconds (3 segments at I-Frame boundary, with an I-Frame every second). The HLS decoder used for the frontend will buffer again, which will likely add more delay.

I don’t use Lovelace, but an external UI (Tileboard), so I get the streams over the HA websocket API and decode them directly with HLS.js, where I can manually change the buffer size in the code. With all that I get around 4 second delays on my Hikvisions. That’s pretty much the minimum latency you’ll be able to realistically get with the unmodified HA stream component. That is OK for me, as realtime recording is done by an external NVR anyway.

I haven’t tried to change the hardcoded 3 segment buffer in the stream component. I vaguely remember from the HLS specs that 3 segments minimum are required by the standard, but possibly it will work with less. Native camera apps don’t have this problem as they don’t go the RTSP->HLS->display route, but decode and display the RTSP stream directly (or use a proprietary streaming format).


Hi all, as a thank you to all of you who inspired me to keep dicking around with my camera config, I have done a long write up about everything I learned about the strengths and limitations of ~10 different camera configs I ran. I think at this point I have tried pretty much every combination of camera components with and without stream. You can see my findings here:



Also, vote for my month of WTH post if you are annoyed with your cameras not loading and playing correctly: Why the heck don't my cameras consistently load up when I load my lovelace dashboard?


This file has been truncated. [show original ] …


Could you share again all code? I got 404 when I tried to get “show original”.


Opps, I should have updated the link when I moved my repo:

1 Like

thanks dude. you’re awesome.

you didnt give repourl
you gave core url

Anyone know why HA chose to use HLS instead of RTSP?

If I convert the RTSP stream to HLS at a faster rate that HA is able to do so, would you expect that I would reduce the lag by that same rate?

Do the camera events that trigger HA sensors lag as well or would they precede the feed by the time of the lag?

RTSP is not suitable for direct viewing in a web browser while HLS is. That’s why it’s converted first.

Yes and no. The problem is not the conversion. There is no actual transcoding of the video stream done. The RTSP h264 packets are simply extracted and repackaged into a different container. The CPU load to do that is insignificant, even in a slow language like Python. The lag problem is inherent to the HLS stream format itself and the buffering that it incurs. So yes, if you create the HLS faster than HA can do it (say for example using libav in C++ to do it), then the time saved will reduce the lag. But don’t expect much of an improvement, because that’s not the bottleneck. You will also lose the advantage of having the data proxied over HA, unless you write your own integration.

Native camera events are completely separate and not part of the stream integration.

Very interesting information. Thanks a lot!

Just updated my repo above, jumping from 0.112.5 all the way to 118.3. Apparently had no breaking changes so it is pretty amazing. It appears that as part of all the speed optimizations/improvements of 0.113 have changed the way HA calculates scan_intervals for image processing and either the timing is more accurate now or HA is now sucking up a lot more resources with cameras as I am getting warnings that my inferences are taking longer than the intervals with the same previous settings. I used to get these when I had much shorter intervals and have optimized the different camera streams and intervals to prevent this. I think it is rather the former as I am seeing my CPU and GPU utilization both double.

Did you try out - RTSP to WebRTC:


Guys I have about 30 seconds delay in IPCAM video, what it could be?

Camera config:

  - platform: generic
    name: labcam
    stream_source: rtsp://login:[email protected]:554/onvif1
    still_image_url: rtsp://login:[email protected]:554/onvif1
    rtsp_transport: udp
    authentication: digest
    username: login
    password: pass
    verify_ssl: False
    framerate: 5


type: picture-elements
camera_image: camera.labcam
  - type: state-icon
      action: more-info
    entity: camera.labcam
    icon: mdi:arrow-expand-all
      top: 5%
      right: 5%
      color: white
      opacity: 0.5
      transform: ' scale (1.5, 1.5) '
camera_view: live


  ll_hls: true
  part_duration: 0.75
  segment_duration: 6

I have round about 5 seconds delay (C210 camera)… and it sucks! :-((