Why are people asking the same questions over and over again? (Or the Regulars' Chatroom) šŸ¤·

It would be nice if users could see their level (and requirements) themselves :thinking:

Take that up with Discourse. We just use their software. :man_shrugging:

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Good to know you havenā€™t banned me, do to being ā€œabusiveā€ :zipper_mouth_face: :neutral_face:

what are you talking about? Youā€™ve never even been disciplinedā€¦

Ok, but iā€™ve ā€œcrossed the lineā€ a few times, i know that
Sometimes one should not get into deep ā€œemotionalā€ discussions.
I know i should ā€œtake a walkā€ when im in that mood

I think you can have ā€œRegularā€ appear next to your name in posts. If youā€™ve got it, flaunt it. :rofl:


I lost my regularā€¦didnā€™t give enough likes :stuck_out_tongue:


You joke, but thatā€™s actually why you lost it. You gained it back, youā€™re at 31 in 100 days. No reason to be stingy with likes :rofl:


I know, Tom told meā€¦

I immediately like his PM :heart:


back to the realm of commonly asked questions. this oneā€™s not an exact question, but a whole category:

ā€˜what am i doing wrong, iā€™m getting: [insert error, for example, extra keys not allowed @ data[name_of_key]ā€™

answer: the issue isā€¦ you have an extra key in the ā€˜dataā€™ block. itā€™s named name_of_key. itā€™s not allowed.

reading the error and thinking about it for a minute would get you the answerā€¦

however on the flip side, i get how, for a less technical person, an error that looks like ā€˜@ data[ā€˜blah blahā€™]ā€™ can just create a kneejerk reaction.

perhaps a feature request might be to have those errors include an ā€œexplain this errorā€ hyperlink that takes it into either a doc or a community contributed guidelines post that explains that error (especially with examples).


Yeah, someone reads a LOT of posts. My default view is ā€˜newā€™ so I see a lot of posts but @francisp is ā€œla Machineā€ :sunglasses:

Heā€™s got ya beat by 6k!

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I read a LOT - I donā€™t know how he does it.

I think @tom_l (when in Antarctica) has everyone beat!

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you didnā€™t see the ā€œauto read discourseā€ hacs extension?


I tried installing that ā€˜addonā€™ from HACS.

It didnā€™t workā€¦ I got some kind of weird errorā€¦

When I put the ā€˜codeā€™ in my card?

Your stuff sucks - it doesnā€™t work for me now. And I donā€™t have any more time to read your docs that explain exactly where to drop the YAML to activate your integrationā€¦ :sunglasses::joy:


And it was fine until the last update. :confounded:


In that vein:

ā€œI havenā€™t updated in 7 monthsā€¦I just did yesterday and XX things broke. Why does HA suck?ā€

Shouldnā€™t it be: ā€œI havenā€™t updated in 7 monthsā€¦I just did yesterday and XX things broke and I donā€™t have a backup. Do I really have to start all over now?ā€

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Itā€™s actually visible for you and others in your profile