Why is a 15 device network taking 6 minutes to go to "ready" state?

I have no idea why my puny, 15 device network takes so long to go from initializing to ready. It takes around 6 minutes from when I start HA until it’s showing “Reday” on all Z-Wave devices (they all pop in at the same second), with CacheLoad, Associations, Neigbors and Dynamic first. But it only takes around two minutes before it’s able to work messages from the Z-Wave network, because I see the thermostats starting to send their temps and modes. I know I have one node out (an ID Lock with the Z-Wave taken out of it), but that still shows as “ready” and 50 % power on the batteries when it starts up, still one dead node shouldn’t delay it this much, should it? This is both with the latest 0.96 version of HA on Buster and same installation with 0.80.2 on Stretch.

graph your network, look at the latency in each device and see where your problems arise.

Nice addition to HA, I’ve been using it for months. The max delay is one switch which is actually pretty close to the Z-Stick, and that has a delay of 1480 ms, which should be 1,48 seconds. Should that do it? Also there’s 0 ms on two others (the Id Lock that I mentioned and a switch, but I know the switch works because I can see it and turn it on and off from the switch panel about every other time the network wakes up). Edit: the max delay was on the first view of the panel, this is the second view, and the switch in question is down to 90 ms, it’s the one up and to the right.

I’d be willing to bet that if you fix those failed nodes that you’d shorten the startup time. I have about 45 zwave devices and it takes about 2 minutes to start up.

I only have about 7 battery powered devices though and my network is tight, no long gaps.

Yeah, I would think so too. But only by seconds. Because for a long time I had a dead node for months (a switch that wasn’t in use), and it didn’t take as long to fire up then. Oh, and I only have one battery powered, which is that dead lock.