Tbh, the reference was meant to be more of a scientific approach than religious, along the lines of Popper…
In this case it is a glance card, albeit in a vertical-stack-in-card:
- type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
title: Zon - Maan
- type: glance
style: |
ha-card {
box-shadow: none;
show_header_toggle: false
- sun.sun
- sensor.moon
- sensor.season
- type: entities
title: Sun and Day settings
show_header_toggle: false
- type: custom:fold-entity-row
type: section
label: Sun & light
- binary_sensor.sun_up
- sensor.solar_angle
- sensor.sun_state
- sensor.nextsunrise
- sensor.nextsunset
- sensor.sunset_offset
- sensor.length_of_day_factor
- sensor.circadian_light
- type: custom:fold-entity-row
type: section
label: Day & night
- sensor.dag_nacht
- sensor.day_phase
- sensor.part_of_day
- sensor.period_of_day
- sensor.day_night
but before Lovelace, the issue was there too.
What makes it unpredictable for me now, is the changing behavior in the same hardware setup on the one hand, and different behavior between different devices on the other hand.
Familiar with it and Russell’s teapot and several others.
Hope you find out why you have a black teapot whereas others don’t even have a teapot let alone a black one.
Isn’t there a ‘Proper’ filter in jinja ?
AND there is NO teapot !
just for reference, this is where the capitalization was made in the customization, and also noted the different behavior: Strange different template behavior between Hassio instances
note it was HA 81.5 at the time.
Both work for me in a simple entity card.
Nothing else to add, I just wanted to be able to say that something works
Except I’d be lying because as I have mentioned before on here the moon sensor does not seem to be very accurate. According to timeanddate.com it is a full moon now (it is 22:05 here), not Waxing gibbous.
Luckily I don’t actually care that much. I’m neither a vampire nor a warewolf.
yes, it seems off bit here too even we have a beaver moon now, of which I had never heard before, so thanks for that!
will probably show the full moon tomorrow
I have same issue. From time to time moon sensor and season sensor do not show translation. They are both on same card.
{% macro proper(text) %}
{{ text[0]|upper}}{{text[1:] }}
{% endmacro %}
<p>{{ proper(mytext) }}</p>
I found this but I think that it needs a n
jinja wizard ninja to work some magic on it parsing each word through the macro
I have pretty much always used this:
entity_id: sensor.moon
friendly_name: 'Moon'
value_template: >
{{ states('sensor.moon').title().replace('_',' ') }}
entity_picture_template: >
{% set state = states('sensor.moon').title().replace('_','').replace(' ','') %}
{{ '/local/icons/MoonPhases/S{}.jpg'.format(state) }}
entity_id: sensor.season
friendly_name: 'Season'
value_template: >
{{ states('sensor.season').title() }}
entity_picture_template: >-
{% set state = states('sensor.season'.title()) %}
{{ '/local/icons/season/{}.png'.format(state) }}
bro… {{ text.title() }}
{{ ‘small doggies like big bones’.title() }}
Produces : - Small Doggies Like Big Bones
See, Everyday is a learning day, many thanks
So @Mariusthvdb I appreciate petro’s offering (sorry just re-read @DavidFW1960 's suggestion and that’s in there first (sometimes I need a nudge with a sledgehammer !)) David’s offering is a ‘workaround’ but it should be short term until the issue gets looked at, and fixed ???
Now I’m going to figure out what he’s doing with custom images Well I can guess but I want the mechanism (even bigger
Awww ! If you’d left that till tomorrow, I could have learnt something new then too !
I’ll just have to learn something else (even biggest )
Ha! Well it’s a workaround I’ve been using forever… yeah custom images… you can check my github for those (the S is for southern hemisphere)
since I prefer to only capitalize the first word, I mostly use |capitalize
{{ 'small doggies like big bones'|capitalize }}
agree with the
bit, and yes, the other template sensors have been in this setup for the same period too
with some variations:
friendly_name_template: >
{{ states('sensor.season_name')}}
value_template: >
{{ states('sensor.season').capitalize() }}
entity_picture_template: >
{% set state = states('sensor.season') %}
{{ '/local/weather/season/{}.png'.format(state) }}
friendly_name_template: >
value_template: >
{{states('sensor.moon').capitalize().replace('_',' ')}}
entity_picture_template: >
{% set state = states('sensor.moon_phases') %}
{{ '/local/weather/moonphases/{}.jpg'.format(state).replace(' ','_')|lower }}
note we can use both .capitalize()
and |capitalize
in Jinja
Hope my bug-report gets noticed, I’ll add the moon sensor to it.
too bad we cant use this for the moon.sensor as customization:
icon: >
return 'mdi:moon-' + state;
since these mdi: icons are available:
Ful/new moon state forces to write a full template:
icon: >
if (state === 'full_moon') return 'mdi:moon-full';
if (state === 'new_moon') return 'mdi:moon-new';
return 'mdi:moon-' + state.replace('_','-');
maybe Ill try to create a PR or at least a feature request doing this natively. managed this Add state dependent icons to moon sensor by Mariusthvdb · Pull Request #28743 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
lo and behold, a first! both sensors show correctly:
and back to full_moon
again …
Yeah, but given your experience, that will probably change by tomorrow
Edit: I’ve added my thumbs up to both ‘your’ and Fabaff’s requests