Why is Tasmota only showing states on select devices?

Unfortunately, if you don’t share the evidence, we have no way to help you find out what is wrong. :frowning:

  • What have you configured? Which config file? With what detail?

  • Can you see the data you expect to be published into MQTT topics using a MQTT tool
    (isolate a client device not sending states from HASS not picking them up)

  • Are the devices the same version of Tasmota? (and which?)

  • Are the devices set to Tasmota discovery SetOption19 0 with the Tasmota binding, or HASS Discovery SetOption19 1
    (the Tasmota binding picks up units for graphing & long term stats, HASS Discovery doesn’t)

  • Note that new versions of Tasmota (>=12) remove HASS Discovery, meaning you will need the Tasmota binding. This is a Good Thing.

  • Are you comparing different platforms? e.g. Shelly tend to use ESP8266, verses ESP32 which might have different options due to the uC.

If this helps, :heart: this post!