Why the Heck does HA run on port 8123

Does your isp actually block 80 and 443 though?

Also, I run HA Core no, docker, no pihole. on an actual server pc.

No. Port 443 is not blocked by the isp.

I tell the firewall on the Ubuntu host to redirect inbound tcp/1823 to 443 using the command below. It requires SSH access to the OS.

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8123

If this is not possible because of lack of shell, a reverse proxy is a good option but requires experience.

Another option is to redirect inbound traffic at router. I used to do this but it doesn’t play well with some integrations and requires configuration for mobile devices.

Finally, you can use the Casa subscription to use an external URL.

EDIT: a reverse proxy or Casa options are the best options.

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