Hey Guys,
I’m currently using wifi with my hass.io on a raspberry pi 3b+. Always used like that and it works fine.
But unfortunately now that I’m playing with camera streams I guess the WIFi is limiting the project.
I would like to move over to Ethernet or Ethernet + wifi.
As far as I understood I can change the original my-network file and upload it via USB to hass.io.
The question is:
Should I add both instructions Ethernet + wifi in the same file and import?
I tried and… lost wifi
EDIT: Ok, so I had to created a separate VLAN in order for this to work.
This way I get on IP fr WIFI and another for LAN.
But I have a question that I din’t thought about it.
Is there a way to force the camera stream to arrive hassio over Ethernet and not wifi?
Why do you wanna keep the WiFi connection?
Hi meanwhile, i changed the project. I now have one HA only for security (and not on the raspberry).
The idea was not to mix the camera feeds with other stuff.
That makes no sense.
Just a thought: if you have wifi and ethernet with different IP addresses, won’t that break things like your MQTT server? (as the MQTT client wants to talk to a fixed IP address that doesn’t exist anymore)
I never went trough that idea.
My current setup is a desktop PC with HA + Blueiris - VLAN with all camera feeds and 24H recording (all ethernet).
Then a pi for all the other lightest stuff over wifi. Smart lights, doors, sensors, automations, zwaves, etc.
Heaven knows why?
Working perfectly!
And why not? What’s the big thing?
Do you know my house? And how the zwave is created and located? Where the security pc is stored and not easily accessible? The pi can be perfectly located for best zwave performance and where i cannot connect Ethernet. Well if I’m the only one in the planet with this setup so be it. I’m fine with it.