WiFi Dimmer for HA

I am currently using Tasmoto on Sonoff to turn on and off the lights. However, I want to be able to change the brightness as well by dimming. Is it possible using Sonoff? I know sonoff is mainly on/off but i was wondering if there was a way to connect esp2866 and have a dimmable switch that is corrected to sonoff.

Take a look at the following

Thanks for linking my project :slight_smile:
Just want to be clear this is really only a wifi controller for smart bulbs.
There is no capability to dim a non-smart lamp (eg incandescent or non-smart LED)

There are arduino controlled triac based dimmer modules out there… but I never tried one or tried to build one.
They are quite expensive since I assume a niche/low volume device.

Ok. My bad. It’s still a very interesting project, although probably not quite the answer for the OP.

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