Will hassos be able to boot from usb anytime soon?

thanks again … will try it out tomorrow.
I managed to boot from USB, put after the updates requested from the GUI, it was not booting :confused: do I have to update from the GUI?

I’ve been running Hass.io on Raspbian stretch lite for a few months now from a USB SSD (a 64GB ADATA industrial grade SSD).

I’d never want to go back to an SSD. It would never survive a power cut (electrician had turned the power off a couple of times) and the SD always corrupted.

Boot times are super fast and updates install much quicker too.

I also have more control with the option to run any other software on the pi whereas Hassos is much more locked down with no access to the underlying OS.

Thanks for the mention @Mutt. Link to the guides is HERE.

You can easily install Raspbian to an SSD, and boot from SSD once you enable the one time boot option. Run this command via terminal/Putty. (RPi3)

echo program_usb_boot_mode=1 | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt

Reboot, then run this to check it worked.

vcgencmd otp_dump | grep 17:

Result should be;


this is required only for non + Pi.
On a Pi 3B+ I managed to boot from USB without any changes

I just added a file named ssh in the boot folder (no extensions)

worked like a charm … thanks!