Will it be possible for me to successfully install homeassistant on Hassbian? I am overwhelmed

Looking back over the thread, and doing some Googling on your most recent error message, I suspect this is your problem.

Frankly, start again with hassbian, and don’t stray from the hassbian docs.

As a last resort before trying reflashing the device, can you try running this command as pi:

sudo hassbian-config install homeassistant --force
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yes I waited enough

I am using the same Hassbian image as you (latest 16.03.2018). The only difference is that my pi is directly connected to router (not thru pc). After about 10-20 minutes of installation it should be running. If you cant wait use “sudo top” to see if it is working with something. Good luck :slight_smile:

You do not need to use sudo to run top.

hehe good to know :slight_smile:

update to $sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip