Wink bought

I think it’s one of the older models as I got it for a steal on sale at Invoice says it’s a DSB09104 so I think that’s an older one.

Even better that’s the one i bought :grinning:

Do Wink and HA support setting the parameters for the reporting and report frequency or do you have to get in and bit fiddle?

I have mine on my Zwave network via the Aeotec stick. I don’t think Wink even supports the HEM officially so any interface would be limited.

Ok, let me ask this a different way. There are some zwave devices that openzwave knows about and when you look at them under the ha zwave control panel, the options are spelled out. Others and I believe it’s the ones openzwave doesn’t know about, show up, but don’t give you access to the options. Does the HA zwave control panel give you access to the options for reporting, timing, etc?

Yes. They are all there, at least what ever options you would have available via OZW Support.

I found that a Home Energy Meter I had issues with constant sleeping under .49 is now awake and accepting parameter changes since upgrading to .50

Starting to feel more comfortable adding things via HA instead of going back to OZWCP.

So I got this new stick (the HUSBZB-1) set up and added the Aeotec HEM successfully.

I immediately remembered why I didn’t like this setup as it is borderline unreadable.
I go into states and there are a whopping 18 sensors added.

What are all these?


The HEM has two probes one connected to each power leg of the lines coming into your house. Looking at energy for example. hem_energy is probably the total energy for both legs combined. hem_energy_2 is probably for one leg and hem_energy_3 is probably the other leg. Interval would be similar except it would be the reporting interval for the similar values. I’m not sure about hem_power 2-6. I believe that’s what it is based on a quick look through the docs for it earlier this week.

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Thansk that is what I thought but i didnt understand the 3-6 sensor #s either.

I’m thinking it’s watts and kwh for power

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@turboc is right. (Which makes me think about “Blazing Saddles”… “Howard Johnson is right about Olson Johnson being right!”)

The extra attributes are for each power leg - You only need to put the first one in HA display. I just re-did mine yesterday using @Scott_Johnston 's configs in this post.

(Scott Johnston is right!)

Do you have to configure it through OZWCP now, or can you configure it through HA’s zwave configurator?

I did the initial setup/pairing through HA but it’s a wonky device and I ended up copying Scott’s XML, adjusting the node ID and pasting it into my zwave xml with HA shutdown, then restarted.

I copied his XML as well, though I am not sure it wasn’t already set up just fine. Then I added all the sensors/ the device itself into a group to view. It seems to always be ‘sleeping’ I am not sure how to get it to wake. I noted your post above and upgrade to .50 but it doesn’t seem to affect the device.

Edit: Guess I hadn’t copied it correctly or something the ‘listening’ was set to false still. It is showing as Ready now

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So I figured I would follow up here and then stop hijacking this thread once and for all. :slight_smile:

Let me start off by tying back to the Wink - I have no intention of switching anything away from the Wink right now, other than maybe to try a zigbee device out and see how it does. This is simply my personal approach of ‘If it ain’t broke…’ and I like the ease/cleanliness of adding things through the Wink. So the only device I will be using on this new zwave stick is the Aeotec HEM, and if a device comes around that isn’t compatible with Wink, I will add it via the zwave/zigbee stick. I am about 9-10 months into using HA and never really liked the idea of having both, for whatever reason, but now I think they can coexist quite nicely.

To your question on how well these GoControl sticks work, they seem to work just fine. Pretty much the exact same as the Aeotec stick (when I had one) but it doesn’t have a battery or internal inclusion/exclusion modes. But it DOES have zigbee (I assume, i added the ZHA in config but nothing appeared in my frontend so i dont know if it is setup wrong or what) For $35 plus $30 for the HEM, it was the cheapest solution I could find for measuring home energy usage, and the fact that I now have a completely local zwave and zigbee stick is simply an added bonus. The zwave panel works fine but I still kind of cringe at the idea of having to add all my lights and sensors into that panel one by one. :persevere:

Also again to turn this back to Wink - looks like they may be shifting their strategy to start selling Wink branded devices now?

Could get interesting.

Announced today…?

I saw this. Not very exciting. All of these products are available by other manufacturers (Dome, GoControl) already. I know its good for wink since they will make the profit on the hardware, but still would have been nice to see something new. Glass break sensor, a new multi sensor, support for energy monitors? More device types means more reasons to go with wink.

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