Wink thermostat data not updating

I have a GoControl Z-Wave Thermostat recognized by my Wink 2 hub. Climate platform: wink is set in my configuration. It all seems to work. However, if I set the temperature on the thermostat or ask Alexa to do it the new settings do no show up in Home Assistant unless I restart HA. Similarly, actual temperature changes don’t seem to show up for a long time.

Am I missing something, or is there a problem with the component?

Thanks for any help.

Are you having any other issues with Wink state changes? You might want to look at this thread.

Like @rpitera said, check out the thread. If you can, reply with all the device types you have in your wink account. There is a good chance I have already addressed the issue, but there could always be another. Also look to see if you see anything in your logs related to pubnub.

I am working on a major update to python-wink at the moment that should improve some things.

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Thanks for your help and for the exceptional HA System. Much appreciated.

I installed 36.0 this morning, but the problem continues:

17-01-16 09:09:25 homeassistant.components.wink: Error in pubnub JSON for Thermostat polling API for current state
17-01-16 09:09:25 pubnub: take message interrupted: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘loop’

My Wink device types are:
Hub 2
CREE connected light bulb
Leviton Z-Wave switch
GE Z-Wave light switch
Leviton Z-Wave plug-in dimmer switch
Lutron Caseta plug-in dimmer switch
Lutron Caseta Pico remote
Quirky Pivot Power Genius outlets
GoControl Motion/Temperature sensor
GoControl Door/Window sensor
GoControl Thermostat

Best Regards

Thanks for info, really strange. I think I have the same thermostat, but maybe different setups. Can you send me the JSON for your thermostat from his SSL cert expired, but its still safe. He’s waiting on a new cert.

You may want to send it to me via a PM it has some sensitive data in it.

In the unlikely case you are not aware and that it may relate to the ongoing Wink problems discussed here, I thought I would mention an ongoing problem with Wink Hubs. I deleted a robot from my hub maybe six or eight weeks ago. It is gone, but continues to execute each night at sundown.

The Wink folks are aware of this problem and are working on a fix, but have no ETA. And, there is no known work around. They say it relates to the issue of local Wink robots they introduced so that not all activity has to be controlled over the internet. Seems there is now code in both places that isn’t cooperating.

I may be doing a disservice to the Wink folks in my explanation. If so, I apologize. Meanwhile, if invisible robots are still executing, it is conceivable to me that there are other problems. I may be imagining (nothing new here), but the invisible robots and the failing status updates seem to have shown up for me at about the same time.

The invisible robots problem was fixed in the Wink backend yesterday, and I no longer have the problem.

But, my Wink data still is not updating properly.