Hi there.
I have a Winsen sensor ZPHS01B, and have a problem with reading it. Here is my code, everything compile without an error, but after this I receive the error for every byte which I tried to read as follow:
“[20:44:51][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 19!”
my YAML:
name: weather-station-zphs01b
- zphs01b.h
board: esp12e
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: "2EWouZDJjwpiTYC2AZYDiLf02qfqcEoYfjbwQbp9gFw="
password: "20711d6ba8ee983af24756ee2b343ce3"
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Weather-Station-Zphs01B"
password: "v5bRYOHxwMPm"
port: 80
- id: uart_zphs01b
rx_pin: GPIO14
tx_pin: GPIO12
baud_rate: 9600
- platform: template
name: PM1.0
id: zphs01b_pm1
unit_of_measurement: ug/m3
accuracy_decimals: 0
lambda: "return {};"
- name: PM2.5
platform: template
id: zphs01b_pm25
unit_of_measurement: ug/m3
accuracy_decimals: 0
lambda: "return {};"
- name: PM10
platform: template
id: zphs01b_pm10
unit_of_measurement: ug/m3
accuracy_decimals: 0
lambda: "return {};"
- name: CO2
platform: template
id: zphs01b_co2
unit_of_measurement: ppm
accuracy_decimals: 0
lambda: "return {};"
- name: TVOC
platform: template
id: zphs01b_voc
unit_of_measurement: grades
accuracy_decimals: 0
lambda: "return {};"
- name: Temperature
platform: template
id: zphs01b_temp
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
accuracy_decimals: 0
lambda: "return {};"
- name: Humidity
platform: template
id: zphs01b_hum
unit_of_measurement: "%"
accuracy_decimals: 0
lambda: "return {};"
- name: CH2O
platform: template
id: zphs01b_ch2o
unit_of_measurement: ppm
accuracy_decimals: 0
lambda: "return {};"
- name: CO
platform: template
id: zphs01b_co
unit_of_measurement: ppm
accuracy_decimals: 0
lambda: "return {};"
- name: O3
platform: template
id: zphs01b_o3
unit_of_measurement: ppm
accuracy_decimals: 0
lambda: "return {};"
- name: NO2
platform: template
id: zphs01b_no2
unit_of_measurement: ppm
accuracy_decimals: 0
lambda: "return {};"
- lambda: |-
auto zphs01b = new WinsenZPHS01BSensor(id(uart_zphs01b), id(zphs01b_pm1), id(zphs01b_pm25), id(zphs01b_pm10), id(zphs01b_co2), id(zphs01b_voc), id(zphs01b_temp), id(zphs01b_hum), id(zphs01b_ch2o), id(zphs01b_co), id(zphs01b_o3), id(zphs01b_no2));
return {zphs01b};
and my zphs01b.h
#include "esphome.h"
int pm1;
int pm25;
int pm10;
int co2;
int voc;
float temp;
float hum;
float ch2o;
float co;
float o3;
float no2;
int chk;
class WinsenZPHS01BSensor : public PollingComponent, public UARTDevice {
Sensor *xpm1 {nullptr};
Sensor *xpm25 {nullptr};
Sensor *xpm10 {nullptr};
Sensor *xco2 {nullptr};
Sensor *xvoc {nullptr};
Sensor *xtemp {nullptr};
Sensor *xhum {nullptr};
Sensor *xch2o {nullptr};
Sensor *xco {nullptr};
Sensor *xo3 {nullptr};
Sensor *xno2 {nullptr};
WinsenZPHS01BSensor(UARTComponent *parent, Sensor *pm1, Sensor *pm25, Sensor *pm10, Sensor *co2, Sensor *voc, Sensor *temp, Sensor *hum, Sensor *ch2o, Sensor *co, Sensor *o3, Sensor *no2) : UARTDevice(parent) , xpm1(pm1), xpm25(pm25), xpm10(pm10), xco2(co2), xvoc(voc), xtemp(temp), xhum(hum), xch2o(ch2o), xco(co), xo3(o3), xno2(no2) {}
void setup() override {
void loop() override {
void update() override {
const uint8_t cmd[9] = {0xFF, 0x01, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x79};
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
write_array(cmd, sizeof(cmd));
byte s[26];
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
s[i] = read_array(s, sizeof(s));
pm1 = s[2] * 256 + s[3];
pm25 = s[4] * 256 + s[5];
pm10 = s[6] * 256 + s[7];
co2 = s[8] * 256 + s[9];
voc = s[10];
temp = ((s[11] * 256 + s[12]) - 435) * 0.1;
hum = s[13] * 256 + s[14];
ch2o = (s[15] * 256 + s[16]) * 0.001;
co = (s[17] * 256 + s[18]) * 0.1;
o3 = (s[19] * 256 + s[20]) * 0.01;
no2 = (s[21] * 256 + s[22]) * 0.01;
chk = s[25];
And here is a datasheet for this sensor as well
Is there some one who can help to resolve this?
Thank you in advance