Withings Intgration - Doesn't work

I’m having the same issue

I think I figured it out. Mine was broken, but I got it working just now.

To get it working you MUST have your HA instance available PUBLICLY either via Nabu Casa, or your own DDNS, or static IP, or with a public facing host name. I use Nabu Casa, but you could just as easily use joeblow.someddnsprovider.net or whatever. But, your server must be reachable publicly.

Log into your HA via the public method above (Nabu Casa, your DDNS, etc)

Go to: ‘https://my.home-assistant.io
Make sure the URL listed under “HOME ASSISTANT INSTANCE” is the PUBLIC URL from above - NOT your 192.168.x.x or whatever local IP. Click the pencil next to the URL to change it if needed.

Go to: ‘Developer Portal
Create an account per these instructions: Withings - Home Assistant

In the Withings account dashboard it will ask for your Callback URL.
Put in: “https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/oauth

Yes, that exact URL. Not your public Nabu Casa URL, not your DDNS URL, not your IP address.
Now you see why you had to set that URL above.
Don’t bother clicking Test … it won’t work.

Click Done.

Now go to your HA via the PUBLIC URL. Not your local 192.168.x.x or whatever IP.

Settings > integration > add integration > Withings

It will ask for your Name … same name you told Withings
It will ask for your ClientID … click copy on the Withings page and paste it in
It will ask for your Secret … click copy on the Withings page and paste it in (yes it will look like ***** on the Withings page, but it works).

Click OK.
You should now see the users from the Withings site - click your name
(it’s using “https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/oauth”)
which remember you set to your PUBLIC URL to get back to your HA.
It should build the integration using your Name

After the integration is added, and while still in Settings > Integrations:
Click the hamburger button in the top right corner (3 dots)
Go to Application Credentials
Add Application Credential
Choose Withings
Use the same Name, Client ID, and Secret from the Developer Site
Click Add

In your configuration.yaml add these lines:
use_webhook: true’
This is so Withings can notify HA about events, like In_Bed.

Save and reboot

Full official documentation: Withings - Home Assistant

What I don’t have figured out yet:
how to get my wife and kids added to the integration.

I go into the integration
Add Entry
I am taken to the Withings site and click on one of their names
“Allow this App”
“Link to Home Assistant?” window - clic “Link Account”
It redirects to My HA and I get a white box that says “Error” and has an OK button.

Trying to add the integration a 2nd time does the same thing.
Perhaps multiple users cannot use the same integration … I don’t know.

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I had to add my wife under her own id with a second copy of the integration. But your steps otherwise we’re basically what I remember doing for each.

for me i got an issue that i cant
You should now see the users from the Withings site - click your name
that is not comming it just empty with title withings and then

Same problem here.

Had it working for months, since one of the last updates it broke for me and I could’nt get it to work since then. Followed @CinRyan tips, but it didn’t helped.

yes, its ustable here also :-/

I am trying to get back to the point of correcting the Callback URL.
However, each time i try to add the integration - it just bypasses the setup and launches the integration page at Withings.
How can I get HA to forget those previously entered Oauth info and callback URL?