since last week I have a mysterious problem with my internet connection. normally I had to connect to my wlan by using nmcli d wifi connect SSID password PW
and everything was running smoothly, but suddenly this WLAn connections always get disconnected so my Hassio is only connected via eth0.
its probably something im missing, so my stats: Hassio 2021.8.8, Supervisor 6.2 und im trying to get a stable DHCP Connection with both eth0 to one subnet and wlan0 to the other subnet.
Any help is really appreciated and im really lost here.
so a few days into this i found that it now is possible to connect wifi over host->system->change, but while doing so it connects and keeps disconnecting a short time afterwards.
also tried to edit the connection over nmcli again nmcli con edit 'CONNECTION' and in the editor i then closed with save persistent like mentioned here.
tried dhcp and static ip with the HassIO network manager under host->system->change but doesnt get any other results.
perhaps this could be something with routing table im not able to see because of my lack of knowledge – pls if anyone has a clue how to get this fixed i would really appreciate!