WLED Seek Tracker

I didn’t know that you are still working on it… To be honest, i didn’t furhter try and i am not sure if the below helping somehow but, i use Hyperion for Ambilight and i have a 3D TV. I have an automation that turns on the Hyperion instance when a movie starts but i wanted it to switch to 2D/3D based on the movie type.

Hyperion has as well an API that you can control it via HA and i did this the following way: In The configuration file i added:

# Ambilight 2D/3D  
    url: "http://hyperionIP:port/json-rpc"
    method: post
    content_type: "application/json"
    payload: '{"command":"videomode","videoMode":"2D"}'
    url: "http://hyperionIP:port/json-rpc"
    method: post
    content_type: "application/json"
    payload: '{"command":"videomode","videoMode":"3DSBS"}'

Maybe you can change the payload with the command for the WLED API and try.

The above creates 2 entities in Home Assistant which i call from an automation like this:

While this might work by adjusting the curl command for each led, it will require you to enter 288 entities to your configuration file and if this is not enough, you will have to split the movie runtime to 288 parts and call them in an automation.

I think it is just too much…

You can also have a look in this post which seems similar to what you are trying to do: Execute CURL Command from an Automation