Workday Binary Sensor Add Holidays in non US config

yes there is, look again smartass. The mm-dd are reversed. EDIT, But I do have them backwards.

Let’s try to keep the thread civil.

Just looked at your profile, I see you joined 2 hours ago and have read 37mins
Just looked at Petro and he joined 1 month short of 3 years ago and has read 37 days

I think expert opinion would side with petro here, it may be that you have understood everything he has said but have missed a nuance or implication.

Can you please confirm your OS and your OS installation region.

Oh, I could have his region/country format wrong still (because I don’t use it). But I can say with 100% certainty, that YYYY-MM-DD works with the DE country on my system. Which is setup for the US, which goes against his whole argument.

I do agree with him that the documentation should spell this out better. But changing the example would be wrong as it is valid.

LOL, The holidays always bring out the best…

I actually found this looking for a service to execute to add holidays. Sort of on the fly, via automation, but getting the date format correct first is a good start.

Any ideas?

Use a super ambiguous day like 1/1 and you’ll always get it first try ;).

i am using a external source for germany its
And a bash script to import the holidays from that csv into my yaml.
If your in Germany i could provide you a bash script that runs via crontab on the 1st of January each year.
So first start is find a source (csv works best) that supports your local holidays .and import it in the yaml.

You need to use the Format like the output from (terminal/ssh)
date |cut -d ’ ’ -f2,3,6
but you need to change the month from the wordformat to the numbers.