Write to influxdb using calculated timestamps


I want to write data into influxdb using calculated timestamps. In other words I want to write to influxdb not only when the entity gets and updated but with a user defined timestamp

Use Case: Storing future prices of my electricity provider.

Is there a way in home assistant aside using HTTP influxdb Rest Interface and an Appdaemon app?

The spook integration have a service call to write data to the DB.
I think it was made to write historic data to the DB, but maybe it works with future ones too.

thanks for the advice.

But unfortunately this service is not what I requested.

You have to describe better what you want then.

This is a thread with solutions to write events to the DB with a user-defined timestamp using the Spook integration.

I give up and cannot describe it better than I have done in the first post.
Thanks for trying to help me.

The influxDB integration sucks, I will not use it anymore.