I did that, but the problem is that the input_number entity is aging and I need it current, because I show it in grafana stats for last 60 minutes. If input_number entity has not been changed for 60 minutes then it disappears from grafana. The solution is either to refresh the input_number entity every 50 min by its own value - which I do not know how to do and nobody here reacted to my question, or make direct insert to InfluxDB with timestamp far in the future. Then it will always show in last 60 minutes.
I use fill(previous) in the Grafana queries in combination with the above configuration, but fill(previous) only helps you if there is at least one row within the timeframe queried and then only fills after(!) this with the previous value
With the template sensors I create an entry in influx every 5 minutes, using statusmap-panels to show history of some binary sensors in Grafana, you still see “no data” at the start of the row, until the time where the first value was stored