Ws2812b 16bit ring as volume display

So a little update.
The light.addressable_set appears to be a “overlay” on top the regular light.
So first I need to turn it on (ex blue light) before I can call light.addressable_set.
When using light.addressable_set I use red color to display volume on the active LEDs and no light on the other ones. This part works good.
When I turn off the light I see how the LEDs reverts back to all blue color and then fades out.
Also the state of the light if presented to hass says that the color is blue. Changing brightness from within hass they all turn blue again. But the new brightness level sticks when I start calling light.addressable_set again.

Maybe Im using this wrong as it is suppose to display volume controlled by ESPHome, turning the volume to zero will turn off the LEDs, so the biggest issue would be the need to call light.turn_on before any addressable calls (if I unplug the esp module / power cycle).
But ideally would to be able to turn of the LEDs without muting the volume. (I want to turn off when not adjusting the volume after ex. 20 sec)

I believe the way it should work is that no light.turn_on should be required if you do addressable_set, I read somewhere at ESPHome docs that any output light is considered the light is on.
With this kind of lights, turn_off should do brightness to 0% and turn on brightness to the last non 0% value.
However I did not design this and I don’t know the implementation details.
Did you find any docs that explains how this works?

Well what I found was that lights = off if no light is emitted, and lights = on if any amount of light is emitted.

How the addressable part works I have no idea, have tried to look at the source.
What maybe needed is call.set_state() if the state is off inside AddressableSet ?