WTH are dropdown menus so unreliable?

+1. On iOS it’s incredibly painful to select entities etc. because you have to search to find what you are looking for then when you find the entity and tap it, it disappears and the search term disappears. you have to close the keyboard, then click the dropdown item, which is INFURIATING!

There are several identified issues on the combobox/dropdown :

  1. in iOS, the viewport change when the keyboard is closed, so the list move from bottom to top just before the user select the item.
  2. for some picker (area picker, icon picker), we load items asynchronously and it cause some issues too (but I think this one is fixed)
  3. If the 2 entities have the same friendly name, the wrong one can be selected when doing a page refresh

We already did some fixes for this combobox (Pull requests · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub) but it looks like there is some issues left…
And… I’m on iOS and I also find it very boring :sweat_smile:

@pedolsky issue is another thing. Look like an overflow issue in more-info dialog.

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Thank you for responding. Can you estimate whether this could be remedied in the foreseeable future? Media Card isn’t usable.