Not correct. All my remotes from hue, Aqara, IKEA, and some noname chinese ones currently all have this in common
There is ONE event entity per physical remote control (sometimes called a switch) no matter how many buttons it has.
Once triggered one or two attributes are received that you need to build your conditions on in the actions
event_type (using trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type)
And optionally button (using trigger.to_state.attributes.button)
All examples I have using the attribute button it is a combination of button and event_type.
For example the good old 4 button Philips Hue Dimmer has 4 button values: on, up, down, off
And the event_type values are: press, press_release, hold, hold_release
That is pretty logical for this device.
For others all the combinations are in event_type. Like the IKEA round 5 button. For that event_type can be one of: toggle, brightness_up_click, brightness_down_click, brightness_up_hold, brightness_up_release, brightness_down_hold, brightness_down_release, hold, arrow_left_click, arrow_left_hold, arrow_left_release, arrow_right_click, arrow_right_hold, arrow_right_release
So pretty confusing.
And then there is the 6 button Opple where the event_type can be: hold, button_1_release, button_1_single, button_1_double, button_1_triple, button_2_release, button_2_single, button_2_double, button_2_triple, button_3_release, button_3_single, button_3_double, button_3_triple, button_4_release, button_4_single, button_4_double, button_4_triple, button_5_release, button_5_single, button_5_double, button_5_triple, button_6_release, button_6_single, button_6_double, button_6_triple
Note the hold value. For hold you also need to look at the button attribute to see which button. That one is a total trainwreck. And confirmed to be a bug because some regexes on the Zigbee2MQTT side are not really fully implemented. In other words. That will all break.
I do not mind so much the solution I just wish that
Home Assistant fixes the trigger for event so it can retrigger when you press the same button multiple times.
And Zigbee2MQTT gets a more consistant implementation of the event_types and the button attribute