WTH aren't Mushroom cards part of the standard distribution?

And stack-in-card and layout.

the creators of those cards would have to submit pull requests to have them added. and of course, meet any requirements to be added.

Or the HA devs could ask the authors if they’d be OK having them included.

BTW the author of Mushroom Cards is a Nabu Casa employee now. Just sayin.

There are legitimate reasons for remaining third party. Like being able to release an update outside the HA update cycle.


Yes, and in the last 2 weeks or so that he has been an employee, he is supposed to have prepped his cards for inclusion? Oh wait, we haven’t even had a release yet. :roll_eyes:

A post was split to a new topic: Why are core cards so limited

For me, once a month release is fine, which is the current release cycle. Plus there are multiple bug fix releases per month. But I do understand to innovate quickly, once a month may not be quick enough. Perhaps there is some compromise in between?

I also get that HA maintainers don’t want to take on too much new “stuff” as that increases the maintenance load. It would still be nice to have a few more card options inside the default distribution. Especially ones that get frequently used.

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But seriously WTH are there so many custom cards needed and no process for any of those cards graduating into Home Assistant itself?

Having to find, install, and update custom cards certainly isn’t a “streamlined” process.

I understand the need for custom cards and the ability to be on the bleeding edge, but it feels like the default set of Lovelace cards doesn’t seem to be getting much attention.

How many custom cards are used by a significant chunk of the Home Assistant population? Is there anyway to track that? How many of those cards went through their rapid development iterations more than 6 months ago?

Hopefully the addition of a new hire will bring some improvements to the out of the box UX.


First of all, I think Mushroom Cards will be part of the Core at some point.
Maybe, there are already plans to change existing cards in order to provide a more consistent look and feel of the whole thing ?!

I don’t know.

The reason for having so many custom cards is simple:
Everyone has different requirements and needs… but I do agree, there are cards with functionallity, that should be provided by the core… or there are cards that provide similar functionallity - but are more flexible or have better solution attempts.

Maybe, reviewing the existing cards - and check if there are better solutions available would be an idea?

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Mushroom cards are a relatively recent innovation. They are almost more of a evolution of the Lovelace dashboard.

In my comment above, I thinking about cards and card enhancements that have existed for a year or more and are frequently given as answers to “Why can’t I do …?” questions Thomas Lovén’s cards and card mods comes to mind. For example, why can’t I customize an entity row in an entity card without having to install and maintain a 3rd party card mod?

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I’m not using mashroom cards. Definitively look lovely. But this is only another design people may love or not.

IMO new cards should be entirely configurable. For me custom button card is a god-card. I’m not against the look of mashroom cards. But please provide more flexibility with them. Otherwise after year or two community will be asking for another built-in cads set.