It would be nice if we could get option to REMOVE background and padding in the Layout section of all cards except horizontal-stack, vertical-stack and grid config.
Then in the horizontal-stack, vertical-stack and grid card there would be an option to ADD background.
This will help create one composite card out of multiple other cards and save a lot of real estate (otherwise lost in paddings, margins and borders) when you put a lot of tiny cards nexts to each other. Sometimes it does make sense for some cards to be combined into one.
Here is a practical example:
This is achieved by simple removing the background and paddings and then adding the same background to the stack card.
Another example will be to save real estate on the following example here. If you notice there is padding on each card and margin. So that’s 2paddings+1margin in between the usable content of the cards which can be shrinked down to 1 gutter in between the cards:
Granted all of this can be achieved with card-mod probably, It would be nice to have it working out of the box so i dont have to relay on a third-party cards.
If this thing evolves in future and with a little help of a new Layout card that will have advanced layout capabilities or implement the same drag’n’drop techniques as in the new sections but only this time in a card we might be able to achieve something like this without even using a single mod: Although this looks very nice, the way of achieving it right now is tedious and dependent on various different HACS.
Another practical example. It would be nice to have this two cards merged together and gain the real-estate otherwise lost in margin: