WTH Can we not assign "area" to all entities/devices in configurationyaml?

I’ve also seen such statements. The more features I learn to use, the less I believe such “promises” :frowning:

BTW, a floor support is coming. And it could be implemented in UI only as well.
(and same about “labels” probably)

That will never happen. For random integrations that may happen. For templates, scripts, automations, scenes, helpers. That will not happen. When new helpers are added, it’s a requirement to support yaml and UI. All other integrations, the code owner have the option to support both, however most code owners don’t want to support both.

Hope in this.

Also, for integrations of some kind there are rules like “UI only, not yaml”.

Anyway, for some stuff (incl. new like “number format”, “visible”) yaml in not supported, and this worries. This is where these doubts about a “future support of yaml” come from.

It’s been stated multiple times. It’s even in the ADR about yaml. There’s only so many times everyone can say it’s not going away.


No. The rule is you have to add UI for new integrations, you can optionally also add yaml. If the integration is internal, you can completely skip UI all together. It would be great if the people here (Not this thread specifically) would actually read the ADRs instead of passing around gossip. They haven’t changed since yaml-gate in 2020.


Thanks, I will try to re-read it.

You mean this? architecture/adr/0007-integration-config-yaml-structure.md at 8631a749058299f2b309226e1afd508ae5c12cc2 · home-assistant/architecture · GitHub

EDIT: There’s also this: architecture/adr/0010-integration-configuration.md at 8631a749058299f2b309226e1afd508ae5c12cc2 · home-assistant/architecture · GitHub

I don’t see the distinction between “core” and “random” in the ADR. Therefore one could assume, “core” integrations might lack YAML config as well.

Yep, that optional YAML is a problem (for ppl like me). If it was the other way around (YAML required, WebUI optional) → YAML wouldn’t be less and less supported.

Areas – as hmm… entity attributes [?]… separate concern [?]… – are obviously not on the list, so they don’t have to have YAML support, right? :wink:

I guess the devil is in the details.

ADR 10 describes the differences. It’s in the context.

I’m not going to get into a ‘keep yaml’ discussion with you. Sorry, but I can tell you want to and it’s not going to happen.