WTH can't we set left side menu bar items per dashboard?

Would be really cool if we could set which items in the left side menu bar would be available per dashboard. Use case:
I have a ‘Settings’ dashboard, requiring admin, that has all my tinkering cards and info etc etc. In that dashboard, I do need the Developer tools, Superviser, Log, etc that have anything to do with developing the system, or checking/debugging it. Most of the extra add-ons that are visible there, are for developing/settings too, so add-on’s would need to be set too.

In my main interface, ui-lovelace.yaml, I only need the Overview, Map, and, well that’s it really :wink:

Especially since these are also available to most end-users in this household, who don’t need all the other tools.

This can show/hide items per user (as well as a whole bunch more like shortcuts to server controls and reordering):

thanks! will check it out for sure. Quick scan: there’s no Admin condition…? nor anything on the dashboards (which in my request would have a dedicated set of menu items)

Maybe I have to look a this subject from an other perspective, must find that first :wink:

No the exclusions are per user not user group. You could put in a feature request.