I just got bit by this today. I upgraded Zigbee2MQTT and now my light sensors and Hue remotes don’t work, meaning I now have to use the phone app to turn lights on and off.
It’s bad enough checking this for HA — open a browser, find the blog, find the blog post with the release notes, then scroll all the way down to the end where the breaking changes are tucked away (you’d think something that could break your setup would be at the top!)
(Yes, I know there’s an anchor link — but I actually use an RSS reader to save having to try to find the blog post, and it uses a Reader view which annoyingly doesn’t support anchor links :)
But when you have other add-ons, and there isn’t even a link to the release notes, that’s a lot of spelunking.
At the bare minimum, there should be a way for add-on maintainers to display a link to the release notes for the current version, if they’ve written any — and preferably a “breaking” flag which would put a suitably noticeable warning on the screen.
Even better would be if this was some sort of RSS feed with the version number as the title, and breaking changes listed as the article body.
HA would need to display multiple items if upgrading by multiple versions (example: I am on 1.4.1. I didn’t upgrade to 1.4.2 or 2.0.0 because I was away; the current version is 2.0.1. The update screen should show the items for 1.4.2, 2.0.0, and 2.0.1 in this case).
I don’t know how much this needs in the way of changes to the existing setup, though — and it depends on addon authors providing the release notes link (and the breaking changes, in the case of the RSS feed).
But simply allowing someone to hit the ‘update’ button and break their entire setup really doesn’t fit with the aim of making HA more usable for everyone.