WTH Do i need to have a repeat-loop automation to dim a light (up/down) while button is pressed?

I have separate digital input units to control my lights and why should it be so (unnecessary) difficult to mplement a function, that both my light controllers (Fibaro Dimmer 2) and most other solutions that have a momentary switch has, in Home Assistant??

To control my lights in the ceiling with, for example the Shelly i4, i need to build either several automations, or a triggerID setup automation. (https://youtu.be/L-bcabdaMxE?si=1bwJ2vK6XWbkL_M5). (I have it working so no worries there) but why should it have to be like that? (Feel free to make me look dumb by having overlooked some simple way to do it :slight_smile: )

I would like to have the option to easily control these functions on lights.

  • Dim up/down until trigger(button) is released.
  • Slow dim up/down functionality when turned on/off.
  • Double press.

Maybe it should be possible to assign a “controller” to a/several lights and within the light settings, be able to choose what functions (that said controller supports) i would like to use to control the lights (or something like that, i leave that to all you creative minds).

This would automation would rely on your devices reporting a button release event.

Dashboard buttons do not have this.

True, but im not sure why that should be an issue?

The dashboard button/slider is another way of controlling the light?
The same way an automation can add that functionality im requesting to my light entity, an external controller should also be able to. If it makes more sense. HA should make it simple to add those “automations”/functions to the light with that external controller, without having to manually creating it for each light…

  • dim up/down while something is pressed
  • Double press => 100% light
  • Long press => xxx

With that being said… yes of course you would need to have a external device that for example reports button release events to be able to control the light that way.

Home Assistant does not provide automations. You do. Or in the case of blueprints others do.

If you have the press (and even double press), and release events this should be doable with an automation / blueprint.

This will provide food for thought - dimming/brightening by holding the switch in the down/up position, repectively: