[WTH] - Documentation

As a beginner, I often miss the simplest things in the documentation, such as HOW to make things visible in HA. The documentation should be written primarily for beginners. Almost just configurations for almost everything. This is also important. But what is the next step. HOW to integrate, etc.
For example, the scrape documentation:
HOW do I see a sensor (I just created) on the overview page? A little hint about this would be helpful…

I created the following Python script

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

r = requests.get('https://www.goldpreis.de')
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')

## Get <span> tag inner text
goldprice = soup.find('span', attrs={'class': 'au_gold_eur_o'}).get_text()

# Debugging
print(goldprice) # just comment

Output: 2,492.05

Great, it does what it’s supposed to do.
Then I added the following line to the end of the configuration.yaml.
scrape: !include scrapes.yaml

in scrapes.yaml (located in the same directory as confugration.yaml) there is the following:

- resource: https://www.goldpreis.de
      name: "aktueller Goldpreis"
      select: ".au_gold_eur_o"
      # index: 0
      value_template: "{{ value|replace('.','')|replace(',','.')| float }}'
      unit_of_measurement: "€/oz"
      unique_id: goldpreis_yaml


In the documentation it says that when you set the ‘unique_id’ parameter you can now also set some things via the UI. The documentation also states that the ‘Scrape’ integration is listed in the UI under “Devices & Services” if you integrate the sensor using yaml, how i did.
That’s not the case! WTH…

Thanks so much!
You are doing an excellent job!

There are a couple documentation-related WTHs already, it would be better to add your ideas and votes to one of those.

One Similar WTH: WTH - Documentation shouldn’t feel like debugging!

Should be called out that documentation has been and continues wanting.