WTH Does the TP-Link Integration still have the "unavailable" bug

My smart lights (KL125’s) are still disconnecting from Home Assistant, but not the Kasa app

oh man. one of those newbies who dropped a bunch of cash on kp115s thinking they’d integrate awesomely into HA and now they keep going “unavailable”.


If you setup dhcp reservations for each light, home assistant discovers / remembers them just fine

DHCP reservations help a lot, but absolutely does not solve the underlying integration reliability problem completely and is not “fine” — even with DHCP reservation some devices go unavailable intermittently.


Sorry if I came across as snarky, I was meaning that this quick fix works for me, but absolutely the problem is still a problem and ideally would be fixed.

The next homeassistant release should fix the connectivity issues (see https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/56701). The beta will be out soon, so it would be great if anyone having troubles could give it a go and report encountered issues so that those can be fixed for the next release. Now, if everything is working fine and/or you are feel that things have been improved, it would also be nice to hear :slight_smile:

To comfort anyone looking into getting tplink devices, I haven’t heard about the new encrypted local protocol being used outside of the UK (and only with HS1**, but who knows). The new protocol has been reverse engineered and there’s a partial implementation available, so adding support for devices using this protocol requires just some more voluntary effort to make it happen.

Also, as long as devices keep shipping with firmwares that are not blocking the local protocol, it is possible to avoid any cloud connectivity & updates by using the command-line tool shipped with python-kasa instead of the app.


I have 6 kasa plugs (one is the power strip). For some reason the power strip and the one with the power details (usage, etc.) are almost always unavailable and don’t come back when I reload the integration. IP address reservations already assigned but doesn’t seem to help. They’re in the same room as some of the other kasa switches and no more than 10 feet from a wifi mesh node. The power strip is probably 1 foot from the mesh node. Makes no sense. Everything readily available in the kasa app, just not in HA.

Any suggestions?